$60.00 USD

Clone project of the Maestro USS-1A multi-effects unit. Also known as the Maestro "Greatest Hits" package. Fuzz, phase, filter, sample/hold, envelope, subharmonic, and a partridge in a pear tree. It's all there. We've even included a footswitch board, if you wish to switch the unit remotely, like the original.

This, in our opinion, is second behind our Pompei (Synthi Hi-Fli) project. Not quite as monstrous parts-wise, but a high level of complexity nonetheless. If you're a noob, or have the attention span of a chipmunk, probably not the best build to tackle. If however you're up for the challenge to build a piece of effects history, this is up your alley.

The original used an MFC4040 flip flop IC for the subharmonic. These are VERY tough to find now, so we've also added a CD4013 option to the board to emulate the MFC4040. You can use either. Many thanks to the fine folks over at Diystompboxes forum for the help with the workaround. Go forth, and synthesize!

Note: Partridge and pear tree, not included.