$20.00 USD

Cheerio. The term used in New Zealand for a small sausage, which is what the 5703WB tube used in this project reminds us of. It's also what you'll be saying to a lot of your other overdrive pedals once you start using this one. Cheerio!

Based on the Maxon TOD-9 "Real Tube" Tubescreamer, we've made some big changes to the power section in this one. The Maxon not only uses a hefty 9VDC/2.2A (yikes!) power supply ( as big as ones used for laptops), but also some fairly exotic chips for the 30v and 6v supplies internally. Yes... you read right. 30v. This one has headroom for days. Our version retains all the same audio landscape, but requires a 12VAC/800mA (or better) power supply. These are usually quite cheap, and easy to find. An LT1054 is used for the boosting to 30v. The tube is first in line, pushing all the TS stuff downstream. The result is buttery smooth tone, that can also be very touch sensitive in the right hands. It can do subtle boost, all out crunch, and all points in between. Cheerio mate!